Here’s ‘A’ being challenged by ‘E’

I was nominated for the Allergic to ‘E’ Challenge by Prakash Hegde of “It’s PH  – a blog of a creative intellectual person.  Do visit his blog to read some interesting posts.

Here are the Rules for this challenge:

1) Write a whole paragraph ( a paragraph sounds easy right?) without any word containing the letter “e” (still easy?)
2) By reading this you are already signed up.
3) Challenge at least five bloggers to do the challenge. They must do it within 24 hours or it is considered as failure.
4) If you fail or pass, suffer in the Page of Lame.
5) If you win, wallow in the Page of Fame.

So I attempted the Challenge.  What came up was nothing extraordinary as all I did was quickly jot down thoughts that came into my mind early in the morning.  Then after coming back from my Sunday shopping, I posted this post, of course after carefully omitting out any remaining Es.

Here it is:

Chilly Sunday morning this!  To stir out of snug doona (quilt) only to confront this task. Normally I stay away from taking part in such stints. C’mon folks! I am not a kid. I do not own much inclination for anything that brings about my mind to think. On top of it, if air is chilly and foggy, my brain turns foggy too.  Thus, writing with a shut and drowsy mind is not going to turn up a good story. Anyway I do not own much of it, this thing known as ‘brain’. So I can avail only that what I harbor inside. What say? Can’t borrow yours, can I?  Lol what to say how I lost it.  It’s a long story. No point thinking now. What is lost is lost, it cannot come back again”.

(Hope I did not include any E there. How challenging was this challenge for me?  Almost as much as cutting onions for today’s lunch.)


Here are five bloggers I am nominating to participate in the challenge:

1. HappyHETU

2. My Simple Life  

3. River Stardust

4. My Red Page

5. Simple Head Girl


That was A for Alka being challenged by E, or the absence of it.  Other than the above five people, you too can try this challenge.

10 thoughts on “Here’s ‘A’ being challenged by ‘E’

  1. Pingback: ~Get someone else to st(e)al for you. | ~X~Y~Z~

  2. Pingback: Allergic to “E” Challenge | A Simple Life

  3. Hello.. I am passing on the message sent by creator of this challenge!

    Can you do me a favor? Tell your nominees to link to my site when they finish it. It’s turning a bit of a hassle to keep pace with people doing my challenge. It’s at
    Thanks in advance.

    There is a page maintained on those who have completed the challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

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