Tears at the Mirror

Every time
I look into a mirror
I am moved to tears

Not because 
I look too gorgeous
but bcoz I do not

Hey you! why can’t you be
as pretty as you look
in your pictures”


Mirrored face is fake
but not as unreal
as the pictures
Picasa remakes


Actually that is an exaggeration, as neither are my photographs too good nor is the actual face in a mirror too bad. Both are average, like that of every other common woman.  But film stars and magazine models can very well sing this poem.

In general, these days people experiment with their photographs by modifying it slightly, giving it a special touch via picture editors like Photoshop, Picasa or Pic Monkey – lovely sepia, glow or other touch-ups.

Good thing is, most people use such image editors at one time or the other, so it’s kind of ok to do such touch-ups.  Everyone is equally fake, or should we all are equally creative.

Probably it is good for self-esteem; quite similar to the purpose of our beauty enhancing make-up, foundation, BB creams, concealers etc, that do nothing much. Illusions and temporary effects in this era of quick-fixes. Instant happiness.
But do they give happiness?  Well, kind of. Like children pleased with toys.


For:  The Daily Prompt –  Moved to Tears

Describe the last time you were moved to tears by something beautiful.

Symmetrical Minds

“Symmetry” at a place of education


University of UNSW, Sydney

Besides other things and places…schools, colleges and universities are places of enlightenment for those who have it in them.

The picture was taken at University of New South Wales (Sydney).
The lamps, their reflections and the shrubs on both sides – all have a perfect symmetry!!

The ambiance and symmetry of these corridors of learning help in producing balanced and symmetrical minds that can change the world.

My other entry for the challenge depicts symmetry at a star hotel: Symmetrical Luxury


In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Symmetry.”

If You Ever Feel Small. Please Don’t.


“We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.” –Stephen Hawking

Our physical universe is full of scaling. Higher, lower, bigger, smaller…it’s all relative.

Our much revered Sun – the source of our survival – is just an average star compared to the vast galaxy of stars in the cosmos. Our one and only earth is merely a minor planet, with much bigger planets even amongst our known list of planets as can be seen in the pic.
Likewise we humans may feel we are the best of all the species but vastness of nature scales us down and we become insignificant and small, like any other animal.
Look closely at the below pictures that I clicked in Sydney and surrounds. There is vast sea, there is land, mountains and trees but where are humans? Look for them. Very small part of nature.

Bondi Beach

Watson’s Bay


Watson’s Bay in Sydney

And last but not the least….me in my old picture below. Clicked in India (in mid 1990s)


Climbing a huge branch/root of huge Kapok tree (Ceiba) at Lal Bagh, Bangalore/Bangaluru

In the above picture the giant tree makes a regular woman look smaller than she is  And the little shrub on the floor gets totally ignored by the bigger size of the woman and the Kapok tree.
Here are my lyrics…

I really look up to you
so please don’t put me down…”

Of course, it’s all relative…our size, beauty, greatness/smallness, even our status and wealth.

Who else knows this better than us humans who spend our whole life living up to others, trying to get taller, bigger, thinner, prettier or richer than our friends and relatives. Appearances matter too much. Bulimic and anorexic young girls aspire to create bigger pouts and whatever, like their media role-models (KK).

Humans label each other as a pygmy or a giant, based on their size. But all shapes and sizes are normal. Gulliver of Gulliver’s Travels experienced this very well, as the giants and Lilliputians cared for him better than his own-sized people. In nature, giant dinosaurs had their own world as now big elephants do. We admire them for their size. And yet, tiny but perfectly intelligent and organised, ants are no less than anyone.

We humans are rich or poor only by comparison. A person with two cars and three properties is poorer than somebody with five cars and six properties.  C’mon guys!!  Time to grow up. And never allow or train your children to have comparisons based on their barbie doll, video games and later smartphones. There are many in the world who don’t even have these toys to play with, not even a very old model.

Also, how to know we are smart or dumb?  Who decides that?  An Einstein-like genius will be considered more intelligent than the smartest teacher in the best school around town.  Likewise, even a really smart artist will fall short in front of legends like Picasso.  But for a mother whose child has Autism or Down’s Syndrome, intelligence means her child’s ability to tie shoe laces or pick up a spoon to eat or read basic alphabets. And that’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Never let others decide you are big or small.
Be brave! Be proud of who you are…
When people try to scale you down, just stand tall.


My post was in response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Scale.”

© All rights reserved by alkagirdhar.wordpress.com 2015

The Plane of Life


Life, helpless and fleeting,
Like a big plane falling
into the rivers of death

TransAsia Airways plane crash.  Pic Source:  SMH news

TransAsia Airways plane crash – Pic Source: SMH news

4th Feb, 2015

Delightful Chains

 Brooding monkey..expressing herself via solemn gestures
express myself through my pictures, poems and words

Dancing Monkey

Dancer Monkey

She’s all posed up for her next public dance
Just waiting for her master’s next command
Her life is in chains, now the chains she enjoys
Because no other life she has ever known 

I encountered this monkey many years ago in my native country.

Monkey Dance Shows are almost banned now, thanks to animals rights activists. But having closely observed their gestures, the way these monkeys obediently follow their master’s  instructions and keep everyone, including themselves, amused…a thought came into my mind as I replied to this photo challenge.

That we all are like these monkeys…enslaved by other humans like us. Whether it is too much love for other humans that makes us weak…or it is our bias or contempt for anyone who is not one of ‘us’…both strong emotions bind and chain our hearts rather than liberating us for higher goals in life.

We are also slaves of our own bad habits – totally controlled by our addictions, laziness, lying, arrogance and what not.  A simple tea addiction often ruins my day.

Thirdly, we all have circumstances and environment beyond our control that restrict us, and define our behaviour and our personalities for so long that we lose our real identity…and we ourselves start believing in, even appreciating this half-life we are living.

So yes…in all the above three cases, we are unable to break off the shackles created by forces outside or inside us, and as a result we do not live the life we were supposed to live.
We can’t break the barriers as we are afraid of something…we don’t know what will happen if….say…we step out of our comfort zone.

Therefore, we are no different from monkeys dancing to the tune of others…

Like this monkey we too have been chained by one of the above factors for so long that we haven’t known any other life…so we pretend to be happy in our situation. It suits us to consider it a delightful chain…

Now that was a lot of sermonising for a photo challenge.
Relax!!!  Breathe in…

Let God be the only master, who makes us dance to His/Her tune.
For when He decides we can’t avoid….that’s for sure.

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Express Yourself.”

© All rights reserved 2015

Gifted by Nature


This gallery contains 5 photos.

Reward is… after a tiring day coming home to be greeted by a vista of Stunning Indigo Sky  Indigo Sunset –  all photographs taken by me from my own backyard – on the same day. “Hold on to your divine … Continue reading

Illuminated pathways…enlightened minds!!!

Illuminated pathways…enlightened minds!!!

???????????????????????????????Schools, colleges and universities are places of enlightenment for those who have it in them.
The first (above) picture was taken by my son at University of New South Wales (Sydney) walking from one department to the other.  Superb reflection of light heightens the reflective academic mood.
The lamps and their reflections and the shrubs on both side – what perfect symmetry!!   

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: Symmetry

The above and below pictures were also sent for previous photo challenge: Twinkle, where we had to share photos of twinkling light…to find a light source and a reflective surface in order to capture a twinkle.


The second (below) picture was clicked by my family at Shanghai Airport. These are droopy pensive lightened up figurines.

Airports too are the illuminated corridors/pathways that lead to some great journeys which are capable of enlightening our minds…and broadening our horizons.