Being One With Him




Being One With Him

Ask her. How does it feel to be one with him?
She will have no clue. For she is now a part of him. She is him.

It’s as if they aren’t two souls, but one.
They even look like one, well if you see from the distance
Their cells have long lost their own growth
Blended into each other
They’ve found a newer meaning in this union

But it wasn’t always so…
She started out differently
So dissimilar, so distant they were
But it happened
This unison – where the lost soul merged into The One.

When a small soul meets that bigger soul, then that is what happens
Losing itself – a creeper becomes a tree; a river becomes a sea
That higher soul so pure and benign; habitually embraces tainted souls
Unenlightened souls of mere mortals
Souls that have lost all hope

Many such souls have sought and got
And many more, seeking more and more
One day
They all will find Him
And merge into Him

© 2016 Alka Girdhar

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My above prosaic poem was inspired by the tree Thursday photo prompt hosted by Sue Vincent of The Daily Echo.

‘She’ is our human soul…losing herself in her beloved or in God.

If you liked this tree inspired poem, then here’s another similar poem You Lose and then You Win. I’m sure you will like it.

Humanity Survives – My new religious book


So, M.K. Gandhi seems quite confident…that in the end truth and love always win. But how to know what is true if most people staunchly believe that only their way of working is right and they claim only their belief system to be the ultimate truth and none other?

Such unilateral opinions are the cause of all the hatred in this world, and now the cause of terror in France…a blood bath that has happened so many times all over the world that we are now either perpetually scared or kind of immune to it. When things go this bad we are shaken but we get over it sooner than we ever thought we will.

What’s the solution? Maybe one day God or Goddess (yes, that’s possible) will descend down from skies or come out from the inner earth (yes, that too isn’t impossible) and set things right. Till then, we can try taking concrete steps to remove the root cause of evils.

To begin with, put a total ban on all religions. Seriously speaking, these religions were formed as per the needs of particular era and also as per the local designs of a certain land or nation-state. In their current retrograde and political form, they do not suit us in this global world when we all have decided to migrate here and there, and we all live together.

So let all world leaders get together and dispose of all the religious books. Then make a fresh start. Write a new book called Humanity Survives. This will have commonly agreeable codes of conduct. Till this is done, our cute and immature world children will continue to harp ‘My book better!’…’My book right!’ ‘My God the true God!’ ‘My God name the besssst!!’.

My last passage is blasphemy and will anger many. Blasphemy it is. So let there be religions. But then…don’t ever say we need a solution to all this chaos! There is none.

Just pray! Pray to God till your voice goes hoarse…and the wise old bearded man up there, sitting in his big throne chair, looks at you lovingly while saying…”My lovely children! They have so much faith in me that one day I’ll set things right for them!


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I’m Humanity, I look at this evil world upside down…I survive. What a victory!

* Another poem written after attack in Sydney and Peshawar

Faithless Interview

Bewildered that I was
which fictional character
apt for the Interview?

My atheist son
came from nowhere
thus resolved my issue…

What’s the confusion?
Open a religious book
characters there are many

Geeta, Bible, Quraan, all
Krishna, Jesus, Mohammed, all
pick one, pick any.

The heroes of these stories
want you faithfuls to love
you became each other’s enemy??


I don’t endorse
all of his views
I believe in One and all

As usual I snubbed him
At times, pictures work
when all verbal logic falls


Are these unborn atheists also fictional?


I previously had a similar argument with this wannabe physicist/scientist.
Please read  Agree to Disagree.

The above poem was in response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: The Interview
“Interview your favorite fictional character.


Picture source: baby

© 2015 Alka Girdhar

4 signs that show the news is incredibly, amazingly, wonderfully fantastic.

So. You’ve got news.  You think the news is incredible.  But don’t get excited as yet.
Upon hearing the news if you find yourself doing all or some of the things I am stating below, only then interpret the news to be truly incredible, amazing and wonderfully fantastic.
Otherwise rule it out to be just an ordinary low-impact news.

1).  Your body language tells your excitement. You may jump up and down with utter joy.  Possibly with both arms and hands raised up. Your eyes may widen and your pupils expand.  Eyes look bright and big, full of awe. Your mouth wide open, you may even place your hands on either side of your face, holding your face you may slap the cheeks lightly while uttering something exciting.

2). Your voice and language shriek of joy.  Your voice will be full of excitement.
Your mouth may open up in a big ‘Awweee”  or  “Wowwww” or  “I just can’t believe that!!!” as you separately emphasize each word/syllable of the above statement. You may say, “Yesss” as you simultaneously pound your fist downwards in the air.
Dazed in disbelief, you may even pinch yourself just to make you believe you are not dreaming and the news is in fact real.

3).  You fold your hands in a prayer pose.  This might be an instantaneous reaction. You may close your eyes while your head tilts down as if bowed. Hands clenched together you will murmur again and again “Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God for that !!”.  If you happen to have a prayer room/corner in your house, you may run towards it and sit bowed down in gratitude while praying incoherently not knowing what to say.

3). You run here and there, not knowing what to do.  You will immediately feel like sharing the news but don’t know whom to tell it first.  You may rush out looking for a friendly neighbor in sight.  Not seeing anyone, you come back in, pick the phone and call the person closest to you. Could be your parents, husband/wife or a close friend.  Once shared, the next step will be planned with friends and family, after which you ease down a bit.

If you do not feel any of the above symptoms and behaviors, if you are just unmoved on hearing some news then either this news is not that great or it was not life-changing for you, or else was not connected to your personal life. For e.g; if your neighbor’s sister (who lives overseas) had a son or if your friend’s daughter got a wonderful job. She tells you but you just smile and congratulate her lightly. In fact you may get slightly envious of her if your own daughter wears corporate every second day but only for a futile job interview.

But, if you sincerely believe you’ve ever reacted like above to any news you’ve ever received then – Count Your Blessings.

After all, it’s not everyday you are going to receive news that is so incredibly, amazingly, wonderfully fantastic, in short…Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious


That was my response to The Daily Post's writing prompt:
 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It says: 
"You get some incredibly, amazingly, wonderfully fantastic news.
What’s the first thing you do?

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I write in various genres serious as well as humorous. This time I tried writing in the current style of….”6 things to do if you have broken your head..”,  “9 signs that show you have teeth problems...”

Moreover, after writing some serious poems last week, I wanted something light-hearted. For more humor, read my previous writings Laughing Matters , You always believed in me and Request Denied

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Delightful Chains

 Brooding monkey..expressing herself via solemn gestures
express myself through my pictures, poems and words

Dancing Monkey

Dancer Monkey

She’s all posed up for her next public dance
Just waiting for her master’s next command
Her life is in chains, now the chains she enjoys
Because no other life she has ever known 

I encountered this monkey many years ago in my native country.

Monkey Dance Shows are almost banned now, thanks to animals rights activists. But having closely observed their gestures, the way these monkeys obediently follow their master’s  instructions and keep everyone, including themselves, amused…a thought came into my mind as I replied to this photo challenge.

That we all are like these monkeys…enslaved by other humans like us. Whether it is too much love for other humans that makes us weak…or it is our bias or contempt for anyone who is not one of ‘us’…both strong emotions bind and chain our hearts rather than liberating us for higher goals in life.

We are also slaves of our own bad habits – totally controlled by our addictions, laziness, lying, arrogance and what not.  A simple tea addiction often ruins my day.

Thirdly, we all have circumstances and environment beyond our control that restrict us, and define our behaviour and our personalities for so long that we lose our real identity…and we ourselves start believing in, even appreciating this half-life we are living.

So yes…in all the above three cases, we are unable to break off the shackles created by forces outside or inside us, and as a result we do not live the life we were supposed to live.
We can’t break the barriers as we are afraid of something…we don’t know what will happen if….say…we step out of our comfort zone.

Therefore, we are no different from monkeys dancing to the tune of others…

Like this monkey we too have been chained by one of the above factors for so long that we haven’t known any other life…so we pretend to be happy in our situation. It suits us to consider it a delightful chain…

Now that was a lot of sermonising for a photo challenge.
Relax!!!  Breathe in…

Let God be the only master, who makes us dance to His/Her tune.
For when He decides we can’t avoid….that’s for sure.

In response to The Daily Post’s weekly photo challenge: “Express Yourself.”

© All rights reserved 2015




Are you real?
Or we humans
Hallucinate you are there?

I was born
Have lived on till now
Wake up alive each day.
Your little marvels

I get to live
Each day – a good life
Eat, drink and smile.
Your little miracles

Time and time again
I get myself into strife
And you – my life’s boatman
Come from nowhere
To reset my life.

Have more than I deserve
Each day I encounter you
Each day I bow –
to you and your wonderful
gift of life.


image credit: wholeyoga

Alka Girdhar
© All rights reserved 2014


My poem was in response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “In Good Faith.”
“Describe a memory or encounter in which you considered your faith, religion, spirituality — or lack of — for the first time.”

In Good Faith