When She Learnt to Get Her Voice Heard

Aria was visiting her native land after many years, and she visited her high school after what seemed like ages. As she parked her car near her school, she stood looking at a pathway and saw herself once again. Distant. A faint silhouette slowly moving away.


Young Aria sitting on the back seat of her school teacher’s bicycle while he rode leisurely. This slow-moving bike journey along the short tree-lined path, took them from their school to All India Radio, the local radio-station that had recording studios within. Those days when private channels had not yet mushroomed, the government-run AIR was the only radio-station in her city. Continue reading

It’s All about Expression, Connection, Fixation…and Love.


It’s very simple. The reason why I blog.

It’s the reason why cave-men wrote their scripts on cave walls.  And the reason why a graffiti-artist takes it out on roadside walls.  And the reason why a toddler speaks his first words at mother’s call.

It’s the reason why a dancer cannot stop herself from dancing.  And the reason why a fine voice just cannot restrain from singing.  And the reason why a foodie hogs on food to the point of binging.

It’s the reason why sun comes out each day, to bless and kiss us all.  And the reason why the morning birds chirp and pour out their heart.  And the reason why I feel a need to talk, talk and talk.

It’s the reason a social-activist fights for a cause, giving her all.  And the reason why a scientist seeks truth and light, renouncing wealth and all. And the reason people fall in love, doesn’t matter if it makes them fall, consumes their all.

It’s the reason I have a craving for my morning cup of tea. And the reason why my sweet-tooth for words, brings me here to my blog. And the reason God sent me here to meet you all, to know you all.

For where else and who else would bear and like my writing, like you do all?



My poem was written in response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt Million-Dollar Question:  Why do you blog?

Also shared for Writer’s Quote Wednesday.

© 2015 Alka Girdhar

4 signs that show the news is incredibly, amazingly, wonderfully fantastic.

So. You’ve got news.  You think the news is incredible.  But don’t get excited as yet.
Upon hearing the news if you find yourself doing all or some of the things I am stating below, only then interpret the news to be truly incredible, amazing and wonderfully fantastic.
Otherwise rule it out to be just an ordinary low-impact news.

1).  Your body language tells your excitement. You may jump up and down with utter joy.  Possibly with both arms and hands raised up. Your eyes may widen and your pupils expand.  Eyes look bright and big, full of awe. Your mouth wide open, you may even place your hands on either side of your face, holding your face you may slap the cheeks lightly while uttering something exciting.

2). Your voice and language shriek of joy.  Your voice will be full of excitement.
Your mouth may open up in a big ‘Awweee”  or  “Wowwww” or  “I just can’t believe that!!!” as you separately emphasize each word/syllable of the above statement. You may say, “Yesss” as you simultaneously pound your fist downwards in the air.
Dazed in disbelief, you may even pinch yourself just to make you believe you are not dreaming and the news is in fact real.

3).  You fold your hands in a prayer pose.  This might be an instantaneous reaction. You may close your eyes while your head tilts down as if bowed. Hands clenched together you will murmur again and again “Thank God!! Thank God!! Thank God for that !!”.  If you happen to have a prayer room/corner in your house, you may run towards it and sit bowed down in gratitude while praying incoherently not knowing what to say.

3). You run here and there, not knowing what to do.  You will immediately feel like sharing the news but don’t know whom to tell it first.  You may rush out looking for a friendly neighbor in sight.  Not seeing anyone, you come back in, pick the phone and call the person closest to you. Could be your parents, husband/wife or a close friend.  Once shared, the next step will be planned with friends and family, after which you ease down a bit.

If you do not feel any of the above symptoms and behaviors, if you are just unmoved on hearing some news then either this news is not that great or it was not life-changing for you, or else was not connected to your personal life. For e.g; if your neighbor’s sister (who lives overseas) had a son or if your friend’s daughter got a wonderful job. She tells you but you just smile and congratulate her lightly. In fact you may get slightly envious of her if your own daughter wears corporate every second day but only for a futile job interview.

But, if you sincerely believe you’ve ever reacted like above to any news you’ve ever received then – Count Your Blessings.

After all, it’s not everyday you are going to receive news that is so incredibly, amazingly, wonderfully fantastic, in short…Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious


That was my response to The Daily Post's writing prompt:
 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It says: 
"You get some incredibly, amazingly, wonderfully fantastic news.
What’s the first thing you do?

~~~ ~~~

I write in various genres serious as well as humorous. This time I tried writing in the current style of….”6 things to do if you have broken your head..”,  “9 signs that show you have teeth problems...”

Moreover, after writing some serious poems last week, I wanted something light-hearted. For more humor, read my previous writings Laughing Matters , You always believed in me and Request Denied

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Self-love Justified


I loved others for too long
but that was a futile exercise
Now, I love myself the most
And see, I always get the prize


To WP:
“See, how I justified my self-love
in less than 30 words
Now tell me, dear WP
where is my prize…???”


WP replied (of course it didn’t):
“Love is an art, of giving
 without getting
 Love others selflessly and justify
 then you will get the prize”

© All rights reserved 2015

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Do or Die.”

Tug of war

Tug of war

he said this
she said this
then she said this
then he said this

she attacks
he defends
he attacks
she defends

thank you
she said
no more please
and away she walked

after ages
he broke the ice
said it was she
who began the fight

the whole day
she sulked
she denied
she cried

god knows why
she called him
and apologized

in the day
her phone buzzed
she smiled
she knew for sure
it was his call


This kind of tiff can occur between any two people, married or not married couples, same sex best friends or even say parents and their adult children. Often, one party feels pushed to the corner. Giving up ego is the only solution.

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Tight Corner.”

~~ Alka Girdhar ~~
27 Dec 2014

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